White Castle has $5 off a Crave Case when you buy online now through September 22, 2014, while supplies last.
The Crave Case comes with 30 White Castle sliders and starts at about $20. To get your $5 discount, just place an online order at: http://www.whitecastle.com/onlineordering
The Crave Case comes in “Spider-Man 2″ packaging. Choose from Original Sliders, Cheese Sliders or a mix of Original, Cheese and Jalapeno sliders.
Coupon Terms
Crave Case available while supplies last. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Blu-RayTM, DVD, & Digital HD August 19th. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the Movie © 2014 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and LSC Film Corporation. Marvel, Spider-Man and all related character names and their distinctive likenesses: TM & © 2014 Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Starts 8/4 at 8:00 AM. Ends 9/22 at 8:00 AM. © 2014 White Castle Management Co.
White Castle Coupons
White Castle also has coupons for a $4.99 sack of Chicken Rings (Original, Buffalo or Ranch) or a buy one, get one free on any Castle Combo Meal (#1 -5), now through September 20, 2014. Present the coupon or display it on your smartphone to redeem. You can print your coupons directly from White Castle at the links below: