Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes Coupons! HOT

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Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes restaurantsThis weekend only, we're celebrating St. Patrick's Day with NEW Min Chocolate Soft-Serve and Leprechaun Limeade Thursday 3/13-Monday 3/17

CLICK HERE for breakfast locationsClick Here for other offers

Lunch $7.99 NO BEVERAGE INLCUDED. Unlimited options. Lunch $8.99 BEVERAGE INLCUDED. Unlimited options. One Price.

Sweet Tomatoes & Souplantation valid from 11am - 4pm. Expires 3/19/14 Valid for each member of your party at $7.99 each.  Not valid with other discounts/offers.  Not valid at Express locations. Sweet Tomatoes & Souplantation valid after 4pm. Expires 3/19/14 Valid for each member of your party at $9.49 each.  Not valid with other discounts/offers.  Not valid at Express locations. Dinner $9.49 NO BEVERAGE INLCUDED. Unlimited options. One Price.Dinner $10.49 BEVERAGE INLCUDED. Unlimited options. One Price. Sweet Tomatoes & Souplantation valid after 4pm. Expires 3/19/14 Valid for each member of your party at $9.49 each.  Not valid with other discounts/offers.  Not valid at Express locations.  Sweet Tomatoes & Souplantation valid after 4pm. Expires 3/19/14 Valid for each member of your party at $10.49 each.  Not valid with other discounts/offers.  Not valid at Express locations.

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